Hit By A Drunk Driver? Here’s What You Should Do.

Even though the dangers of driving drunk or high are well known, many people continue to get behind the wheel after drinking. The combination of slower reaction times and impaired judgment makes drunk drivers much more likely to cause accidents than sober ones, often with tragic results. 

A car accident can forever change your life. If you are the victim of a drunk driving accident, here are some tips from our attorneys at Kanthaka Group on what you should do.

Take Note Of Any Injuries

Relocate your car to a safe area of the road and check yourself and your passengers for injuries. Turn on your hazard lights if you are unable to move your car. 

Contact The Police

Call the police to inform them of the accident and that you suspect the other driver is intoxicated. They will perform a breathalyzer test on the driver and include the result in their police report.  

Obtain Driver Information 

Obtain as much information as possible about the incident so that insurance companies have adequate documentation. In the event that you are physically incapable, a police officer or a passenger in your vehicle can obtain the information on your behalf. You should not rely solely on a police report to prove your claim because it may not have all the details you need. 

Note the make, model, and license plate of any car involved. Obtain the name, contact information, and insurance information of every person involved in the incident. 

Take Photos Of The Accident Scene

Take photos of the cars, the accident scene, your injuries, and anything else that may be relevant to your claim.

Get Witness Statements

Get statements from any eyewitnesses as soon as possible. Time can cause our memories to become distorted by bias or to forget important details. It is best to write down or record statements on video.

Seek Medical Attention

When you are able to leave the scene, seek medical attention immediately. Whether or not you have visible injuries, you should still be evaluated by a medical professional. Often symptoms do not appear until hours or days later. It is important to document your injuries when filing an insurance claim. Prevent further injury by following your doctor’s instructions, including possible rehabilitation. 

We Can Help You with Your Car Accident

Be careful not to settle prematurely with an insurance company. More often than not they will try to offer the lowest settlement possible which may not be enough to compensate you for months or years of recovery from your injuries. 

At the Kanthaka Group, we have experienced attorneys and staff that will guide you through the legal process of recovering from a car accident. Contact our Colorado Springs car accident lawyers today. Please call 719-633-2222 to arrange a FREE consultation with one of our attorneys.